3M™ 1500 Graffiti Remover, 500 ml

  • 3M produktnummer 1500
  • 3M ID 7000082039
  • UPC 04046719700257

The solvent’s liquid form allows for quick penetration and rapid breakdown of graffiti

Does not contain NEP (N-Ethyl-pyrrolidone) or NMP (N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone) used in other graffiti removers, which can pose a significant risk to health

Has little odour, enhancing user comfort and efficiency – unlike traditional chemical removers which emit powerful odours and harmful vapours

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  • The solvent’s liquid form allows for quick penetration and rapid breakdown of graffiti
  • Does not contain NEP (N-Ethyl-pyrrolidone) or NMP (N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone) used in other graffiti removers, which can pose a significant risk to health
  • Has little odour, enhancing user comfort and efficiency – unlike traditional chemical removers which emit powerful odours and harmful vapours
  • Low environmental impact as the product does not contain aromatic, aliphatic or chlorinated solvents

3M Graffitifjerner 1500 Fjerner raskt og effektivt uønsket graffiti, tegning og skriving med spraylakk, maling, tusj og annet uten å skade overflaten.

