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  2. 3M™ Liqui-Cel™

3M™ Liqui-Cel™

Advanced Dissolved Gas Control

  • 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors are used for degassing liquids around the world providing a wide breadth of high performing, durable and scalable products to improve operational efficiency. They are widely used for O2 removal from water as well as CO2 removal from water. They have displaced the vacuum tower, forced draft deaerator, and oxygen scavengers around the world for over 20 years.

    3M™ Liqui-Cel™ EXF, SP and MM Series Membrane Contactors are used extensively for deaeration of liquids in the microelectronics, pharmaceutical, power, food & beverage, industrial, photographic, ink and analytical industries just to name a few.

    3M offers deep technical expertise from sales and service working collaboratively to ensure solutions meet requirements and expectations along with comprehensive training and education.

Water Bubbles Image

3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Technology Serves Many Industries

3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors are used for degassing liquids around the world. They are widely used for O2 removal from water as well as CO2 removal from water. They have displaced the vacuum tower, forced draft deaerator, and oxygen scavengers around the world for over 20 years.

  • Vacuum towers, steam deaerators, decarbonators and chemical injection were common methods used to control dissolved O2 and CO2 in make-up and feed water to power plants.

    3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors used for deaeration can reliably achieve low dissolved gas concentrations and can operate cleaner compared to alternative degassing methods using less space.

  • There are many applications in the beverage industry that require the addition or the removal of O2, CO2, nitrogen, and alcohol compounds.

    3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors are the perfect technology solution capable of handling the multiple gas removal and gas addition requirements in the beverage industry.

  • Removing gasses from liquids can improve yields and operational performance by reducing imperfections and preventing misfiring at the ink jet print head.

    3M™ Liqui-Cel™ SP Series Membrane Contactors are widely used for removing bubbles and dissolved gases from Ink Jet Inks, coatings and other fluids where gasses in production lines negatively impact the process.

  • The microelectronics industry has used 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors for over 15 years to remove O2 and CO2 from DI water used in semiconductor wafer manufacturing processes.

  • Increased gas content often leads to problems with bubble formation in highly viscous fluids. Compact 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ SP Series Membrane Contactors use an in-line and simple solution to help resolve this problem.

    There are many processes in the graphic arts industry that are improved when bubbles and gasses are removed. The paper making industry, for example, uses membrane contactors to debubble coatings used on high quality papers. Liquid degassing prevents imperfections in the paper surface that the bubbles can cause.

  • Dissolved gases can have a negative impact on instrument readings and displays in many analyzers. Bubbles and gases can also alter the composition of a solution being analyzed.

    Compact 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ MM Series Membrane Contactors use minimal space for easy integration into lab equipment for separation, producing lab water, or analyzing solutions. Degassers can also be installed in standalone systems after central DI water systems.

  • 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors have been used to improve dissolved gas control processes for many years. With thousands of installations around the world, Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors technology is well-known for its compact size, performance and reliability in industries such as semiconductor, pharmaceutical and power generation.

    We now bring this compact, low weight solution to the oil and gas industry to remove dissolved oxygen in applications such as boiler feed water, water flooding, and oil washing where dissolved gas control is critical for process efficiency and smooth operation.

  • The pharmaceutical industry requires a continuous source of purified water with a conductivity of < 1.3 µS/cm. To achieve this level of purity RO followed by EDI technology is a commonly employed. However, the presence of free CO2 may reduce EDI efficiency.

    Historically, chemical dosing with NaOH or forced draft technology was used to reduce the CO2 load. Today, 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors can be used as a compact, chemical-free alternative that operates in closed systems which may help reduce the risk of contaminants from entering the purified water stream.

Do You Want To Know More?

3M has more than 40 years of expertise in the research, development and production of highly specialized membranes. As a result, today we are a leading supplier of membranes specifically focusing on healthcare and industrial filtration applications.

3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Product Categories

  • 3M Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors are commonly used for gas transfer with water or with fluids that have a similar surface tension to water. They utilize a patented radial flow design and are available in a variety of contactor sizes that are ideal for flow rates between 0.5 – 400 gpm (0.1-91 m3/hr).

  • 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ SP Series Membrane Contactors utilize a polyolefin membrane that is appropriate for degassing low surface tension fluids such as ink jet printing inks, developers, emulsions, and photographic coating solutions for papers, films and printing plates. Additionally, they are used to degas liquids required in contact lens manufacturing.

    3M™ Liqui-Cel™ SP Series Membrane Contactors are available in a variety of product configurations. The larger capacity contactors utilize the extra-flow baffle design. Smaller radial flow designs are ideal for flow rates lower than 0.5 gpm (1.9 L/min).

  • 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ MM Series Membrane Contactors are parallel flow devices where the fluid is introduced on the lumenside or inside of the hollow fibers. The liquid travels from one side of the contactor to the other side of the contactor and we do not use baffles in this design because it serves low flow rate applications. This is an ideal lab scale debubbler.

3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Key Technical Resources

Contact A 3M Technical Expert

3M has more than 40 years of expertise in the research, development and production of highly specialized membranes. As a result, today we are a leading supplier of membranes specifically focusing on healthcare and industrial filtration applications.

3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division
13840 South Lakes Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28273 USA
Phone: + 1 980 859 5400
Fax: + 1 980 859 5258

3M Norge AS
Separation & Purification Science Division
Tærudgata 16, 2004 Lillestrøm
Postboks 300, 2001 Lillestrøm
Phone: +47 63 84 75 00

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